Heavens and Earth Heavens brings to mind the vast sky and the millions of stars lighting the Earth at night. Greek mythology has the sky and the Earth mating and giving birth to the natural world, the ocean, terrible monsters, the gods and the cosmos. Greek philosophers expanded myths and studied the heavens as a home of the cosmos, including the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun. They said cosmos was order and beauty, which led them to speculation rich in understanding on the workings of the universe. Polytheists worshipped the Earth. They looked at the sky and saw their gods in the stars. Monotheists placed their god in the heavens outside the cosmos: remote, unseen, and indifferent to life and the Earth. The monotheists triumphed. The sky-heavens no longer represented beauty and order. It was just there. The one-god believers furiously mechanized the sky and the Earth. Factories covered the landscape, their dark smoke fouling the sky. No longer did industrialized...