Infamy January 6 and February 13, 2021 will for ever be a stain on American politics and particularly on Donald Trump and the Republican senators who facilitated his attack on the government. Impact of Trump On January 6, 2021, Trump was still the president. He lost the election but he never ceased saying the Democrats stole the election. Like a disgruntled tyrant about to be kicked off the White House, he spread his poisonous lies to the more than seventy million Americans who voted for him. Trump supporters include all those who benefited from his ecocidal (nature killing) and anthropocidal (human killing) policies. By this I mean his dismantling of some basic laws and regulations protecting public health and the environment. The immediate effect of such an attack on human and environmental health would be more poisons in our food and drinking water and the air we breathe. Some people with conditions of bad health (cancer, heart, diabete...