Prologue Hellas / Greece had the good fortune of becoming the lighthouse of the world. For several centuries it gave birth to science and civilization of unprecedented beauty, reason, justice and virtue. This good fortune came into being in the works of epic poets Homer and Hesiod; the tragic poets Aischylos, Sophocles, and Euripides; the comic poet Aristophanes; philosophers / scientists who probed the heavens to such detail, that one of them, Demokritos in the fifth century BCE, discovered the Atomic Theory and another, Aristarchos of Samos, in the third century BCE, proposed the Heliocentric Theory of the universe. Still yet another astronomer, Hipparchos, set the foundations of mathematical astronomy in the second century BCE in Rhodes. He also left his fingertips all over the Antikythera Mechanism, an immaculate geared bronze computer of genius, the progenitor of our computers. Add to this extraordinary galaxy of intelligence and foresight, Aristotle...