Followers of former president Donald Trump surrounding the US Capitol, Jan. 6, 2021. Notice the tall platform for hanging the enemies of Trump. Wikipedia. I worked on Capitol Hill for a couple of years – in the 1970s. I used to visit the Capitol, primarily for pleasure. Here was America’s center of political life designed and built with classical Greece in mind. The architecture and paintings of the large Capitol building do in fact mirror the polis of Athens. Electing tyrant Trump However, the election of Donald Trump, a corrupt businessman, to the presidency in November 2016 brought to a head decades-long boiling undemocratic forces in America. January 6, 2021 was a dark day during which Trump launched an unsuccessful coup. Like an experienced tyrant, Trump invited his followers from all over America to Washington. He was determined to keep his power. He told his followers to go to the Capitol in order to prevent Vice President Mike ...