German pellet factory on fire, Easter 2017, Port Arthur, Texas. Courtesy Annette Mitchell and John Beard. The scientist and politician in Pope Francis A few years ago, in 2015, Pope Francis issued an encyclical that sided with the environmentalists fighting polluters. In his “ LAUDATO SI’ , mi’ Signore” – “Praise be to you, my Lord,” Pope Francis imitated Saint Francis of Assisi in praising “our common home,” Mother Earth. In his latest political foray into the controversial climate change / crisis / emergency/ global warming, the Pope is more straightforward and science-based than ever before. He named his October 4, 2023 letter, “ Laudate Deum / Praise God. ” He addressed this 7,000-word letter to “all people of good will” and he defined the purpose of his apostolic exhortation to highlighting the political and technological complexity of the climate crisis. With the exception of a few sections at the end dealing with spiritual /...